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South Korea supports democratic nations


    South Korea's Moon Jae In administration influenced Koreans to be more sympathetic to communist nations like North Korea, China, and Russia.   Many attitudes that Moon Jae In administration have shown us that Korea was on the communist side.  For example when Korea was retaliated by China for THAAD in 2017, Moon administration did not fight back to China to assert its necessity for THAAD against North Korean threat.  His administration only paid attention to appeasing China, never arguing with China that Korea needed THAAD for safeguarding its citizens.   When Hong Kong people protested against China for their civil rights in 2019, and even when Ukraine was attacked by Russia in 2021, Moon administration never showed any support for people in HK and Ukraine.  Koreans were startled by Moon administration's indifference to people in HK and Ukraine, who were desperately fighting for their freedom and security.   Many threats and attacks have inflicted on people in democracy, Moon administration didn't care for those but only showed their empathy on communist nations like China and Russia.   Many Koreans shocked by Moon administration's communist supporting character, finally decided to elect a president advocating democracy and rebuking communism.  In May 2022 newly elected Korean president Yoon Seok Yeol showed harsh attitude on communist nations, but eagerly cooperating with US and other democratic allies for stronger union against communist nations. 


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