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Showing posts from March, 2022

China bans so many international news channels.

China only allows their people to watch news fitting their communist political environment.      After Xi Jin Ping became the leader of China, the country has blocked so many news channels like BBC international.  By banning international  news channels, China only allows their people to watch news fitting their communist political environment. If you look at the mind of any Chinese, you'll find out their perspective is only limited to Chinese communist party's ideology.

There is no religious freedom in China !

  There is no religious freedom in China !     We Christians know China has demolished many churches across the country, incarcerating many Christian believers, banning online and offline church services.  There is no religious freedom in China.  If you want to have any religion in China, the only allowed one there is worshipping Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ).  Students in China have to study basic doctrines and principles of Chinese communist party from their elementary to high school years, brainwashed by CCP's communist ideology and doctrine.  Can we stop this evil work of Satan in China? 

Never expect watching BBC channel or other foreign news channels in China !

Never expect watching BBC channel or other foreign news channels in China !                   BBC Banned from Broadcasting in China (        China has banned so many foreign TV channels and internet websites.  They want to block information that can be negative or critical to China.  Never expect watching BBC channel or other foreign news channels in China.  In China your rights to watch and learn on global media can be taken by China's authority.  You are limited to learn only positive things about China and its government.