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China Exit Ban

   Reports have been surfaced as China bans their citizens and even foreigners to leave the country.   It is easy to enter China if you get a visa, but no one can be sure that you can leave China whenever you want.   Anyone leaving negative writings or comments online against China can be blacklisted and banned to exit Chinese border at the airport.  This is a stark example how China restricts people's freedom to move.  People having negative thoughts against China, expressing what they think about China online can be tracked, banned from exiting the country, ending up with indefinite incarceration in an unknown place.  If you are banned from leaving China at the airport, you may not know the reason you're banned from departing the country, since Chinese officials would not tell you the reason why you're banned.   You can even be taken to somewhere to be incarcerated for indefinite period, treated badly.  This is a stark violation against UN human rights guaranteeing people's freedom of moving.  China must release all the detainees incarcerated without proper reasons, letting them go wherever they want.


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