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Showing posts from April, 2022

Everyone in China is being treated like the corona virus itself by their government.

Everyone in China is being treated like the corona virus itself by their government.     Shanghai and Beijing lockdown shows us how horrible the Chinese people's lives are treated by their government.  Literally their life is the life of prison inmates.  Chinese government never cares for the life of people under lockdown, only pushing their strategy to lock everyone down at home blocked by strong metal fence.  This metal fence even reminds us of the prison built with metal poles, locking every inmate inside, blocking them from the free life of the outside world.  People under lockdown have no freedom to enjoy life, sometimes worrying about starvation to death or the situation not able to get food.  Only purpose of the Chinese government is locking everyone down at home, but never give them ways to sustain their life under lockdown.  So we can say everyone in China is being treated like the corona virus itself by their government.  

How miserable the life of people in Shanghai lockdown !

  How miserable the life of people in Shanghai lockdown !     We see people in Shanghai being locked down under their government's Zero Covid policy.  People in Shanghai can't get food because their government blocks food delivery to stop the spread of Covid-19 virus on street.  So the real problem for people in Shanghai lockdown is not the corona virus itself, but the food they need for survival.  Many news reports already tell us that people being locked down in Shanghai are desperately crying out for food they need to eat.  We can compare this situation with the people in North Korea.    Many North Koreans have died because of starvation.  North Korean government has spent most of their money for the development of their military power.  Many North Koreans haven't had food, dying out of starvation.  We can often see North Korean kids desperately looking for food, even eating grass or weed on ground!  People living ...

China Shanghai Lockdown - How miserable it is !!!

  How miserable Shanghai Lockdown is !!    Shanghai lockdown proves how dumb China government is.  They never consider their citizens' life under coercive lockdown.  Ignoring all the possible circumstances, they just focus on lockdown to prevent the spread of corona virus.  People locked down in their home run out of food to eat, still never allowed to go out for food.  People have to rely on delivered food from their government, but its amount is not enough.   Online food order is quickly finished with so many people ordering at the same time.  How miserable the lives of these people living under oppressive communist government !!